When Laughter Heals: 10 Original Jokes About Life, Love, and Unexpected Surprises

One evening, two wives decided to go out for a much-needed girls’ night. After a few too many drinks, they found themselves stumbling home, both urgently needing to use the restroom.

With no public facilities in sight, they happened upon a cemetery. Faced with no tissue or paper, one wife resorted to using her panties, while the other, in a moment of spontaneity, grabbed a decorative wreath off a grave.

The next morning, one husband called the other in a mix of disbelief and humor. “No more girls’ nights out!” he exclaimed.

“My wife came home with no panties!” The other husband, trying to make light of the situation, replied, “You think that’s bad? Mine came back with a little card tucked in her crack that read, ‘From all of us at the fire station, we’ll never forget you!’”

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